As a certified Ophthalmologist, Dr. Don-Eyre Beckles specialises in:
Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure. This means you most likely wouldn't have to stay overnight at a hospital. Adults are usually awake for the procedure. Local anaesthesia (numbing medicine) is given using eye drops or sometimes an injection. This blocks pain. You will also get medicine to help you relax.
The pterygium is carefully dissected away. Postoperatively, the eye generally is patched overnight and healing typically takes many weeks with patients applying prescribed topical eye-drops or ointments several times a day. In the early phase of healing, the eye may be slightly swollen and bloodshot in appearance. Eventually the surgical site improves in comfort and appearance.
Chalazion removal surgery is performed under local or general anaesthesia. Commonly, general anaesthesia is administered in children to make sure they stay still and no injury to the eye occurs. Local anaesthesia is used in adults and it is applied with a small injection into the eyelid. The discomfort of the injection is minimised with the help of an anaesthetic cream which is applied locally.
This Surgery is used to treat open-angle glaucoma and chronic closed-angle glaucoma. Trabeculectomy is usually done when medicine treatment for glaucoma has failed to reduce the pressure in the eyes enough to prevent damage to a person's eyesight.
Laser Surgery
-Focal:This laser treatment, also known as photocoagulation, can stop or slow the leakage of blood and fluid in the eye. It's done in your doctor's office or eye clinic. During the procedure, leaks from abnormal blood vessels are treated with laser burns. Focal laser treatment is usually done in a single session.
Laser Surgery
-Panretinal:This treatment is likewise usually undertaken in outpatients, although admission to hospital may be required in the few patients unable to cooperate with slit-lamp delivered laser treatment. In the latter group, laser is applied under sub-Tenon's local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia, through a binocular indirect ophthalmoscope, with the ophthalmologist standing and the patient supine.
Laser Surgery
-Capsulotomy:A capsulotomy is sometimes necessary following cataract surgery. A cataract occurs when the natural lens of the eye becomes clouded, usually as the result of aging. It is treated by surgically removing the clouded lens and replacing it with an artificial prescription lens. During cataract surgery, the front, or anterior, portion of the lens capsule is removed at the same time that the natural lens is removed. It is then replaced with a plastic prescription lens. The rear, or posterior, portion of the capsule is left in place.